Info and Ideas for Genealogists and Family Historians

>> Key Tips for Preparing to Print

Many hours of dedicated time goes into producing a family tree or historical record and often the devotion of one or two members is the key reason that a ‘family tree’ is compiled.

In most instances these genealogists want to provide their family with a treasured keepsake that will ensure they can discover, share and preserve their family’s heritage.

scan of inside cover of old bible Often it is also the inquisitive nature of the genealogists that entices them to search through boxes of photographs, copies of census reports, notes from all sources to accomplish an enduring historical record.

Print House and the Best Little Book Store can assist the ‘budding’ historian or devoted genealogist, whether they are curious about their own heritage, or want to learn more about their family heritage so they have a record that can be gifted to their children or grandchildren.

We understand the many hours of work that can go into compiling your family’s history, and also the importance of having your history presented in an attractive, logical and easy to read manner.

Today there are several websites and software tools that have simplified the search to establish a family history, but how do you present generations of family history in a form that will interest everyone and assure they have an easily accessible, treasured keepsake for generations to come.

A family history book can be a few pages or hundreds. It can be 10 copies or hundreds, but, most importantly, it must captivate the intended audience and be presented professionally.

It can be printed from your scanned original copies or from PDF’s generated from your genealogy software. It can be printed and bound with specialty covers and even sold through our online bookstore -

However, if you plan to sell many copies of your family tree, you will need to plan well in advance.

Firstly, you should establish a mailing list of as many descendants as possible. Your family is your potential customer base, so contact them and be sure to get their family information in the book.

Photo of ancestorThis gives them a good reason to buy a copy for themselves, and one for each of their children!

Offer a special advance publication prepaid price so that you have a firm commitment for a certain number to help pay for printing costs. Even a pledge to purchase will give confidence that you can meet the production costs.

Some of the decisions that will need thought and consideration are the physical size of the book, for example a standard A4 format is usually the most economical.

This ultimately leads to how many pages will be required as you decide on the layout and spread of charts, names and dates, photographs and family stories.

Often the family stories are the most captivating records to entice the interest from other family members. Writing a story behind the dates and times of births, deaths and life will sometimes capture the imagination of people rather than just a list of dates and names.

Also the addition of the ‘not so good’ aspects of your family history can often lead to creating a lot more family interest and understanding of the hardships of the era, for example a story about a child being born out of wedlock or a run in with the law will add a bit of life and spice to your keepsake.

Of course, you will also need to consider any embarrassment that could be caused to the family.

Pictures, maps and other illustrations add a great deal of authenticity and interest to any book, so it is important to include them.

Original documents, maps and hand written letters can also add interest and they can often be scanned into the document

Wedding photoIf possible add captions or credits for this type of information, however it is essential that any copyright issues be considered if and when they are applicable. The simple solution is to always seek permission and add an acknowledgement of that permission.

This is extremely important when using any material that is not your own.

Whatever your reason for exploring your family history, Print House will ensure you receive a professionally printed and bound book that will provide your family with a keepsake they will always treasure.

Our sample books can provide you with ideas about layout and format and as we have full design, printing and binding facilities in-house, we can provide an option to suit your budget whether it is black and white, sepia or a full colour print production.

Even If you just want to get started and add pages over a period of time we can provide albums that can easily have pages added when and as required.

A family tree book is an ideal gift, but just as importantly it is an enduring record of your heritage and keepsake for your entire family.

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